Choosing a job that allows you to travel
Most people love to travel, and who can blame them? There’s not a lot that’s more enjoyable than traveling the world and experiencing the thrill of discovering new places, people, and cultures. The trouble is, most people also need to pay the bills, and that means working for a living. One way round this problem is to get employment that allows you to travel as part of the job. There are more of these to choose from than you might think, and there’s a job out there just waiting for someone like you. Here are a few suggestions to help you discover how you can travel to new places and pay the bills at the same time.
A classic way to earn while you travel is to become an English teacher. Because English is the world’s most important language – the primary language of business and the internet – the demand for people with good English abilities has sky-rocketed in recent years. If you have the right skills to teach the language, you could find yourself getting a job almost anywhere in the world. Some countries will allow you to take short-term jobs on a casual basis, so it’s best to be prepared. Joining a travel club like Destination Vacations 365 is also a good idea, as it will bring you discounts right from the start.
Obviously, being an English teacher isn’t a case of just wandering into the nearest school and speaking English to the class. It’s important to understand that you are taking a job, and so you will need to take it as seriously as you would take working back at home. Also, some countries will require you to have formal qualifications to become an English teacher, so make sure you do your research carefully. It’s often the more isolated and exotic destinations which will be a little more relaxed with their requirements – which is great, since it means you’ll be seeing places you’d never dreamed you’d be able to afford to visit.
If teaching English doesn’t sound like your thing, then don’t worry – there are plenty of other employment opportunities around the world. Again, doing some research before you start applying will bring rewards – for example, many people don’t realize that Australia has a thriving ski industry, so you’re putting yourself one step ahead of the competition simply by knowing that fact. If you prefer somewhere warmer, then how about being a scuba instructor? Of course, you’ll need to prove you have the ability to do it safely – but if you do, can there really be a better way to make money than swimming in idyllic tropical waters?
If the travel bug has really bitten you hard, then you could even think about making your working vacation into a full-time career. The more skills you pick up, the easier it will be for you to get work in the future – and the less hassle you’ll have at immigration. Yes, you will have to work hard, and it won’t be the same as simply lying on the beach getting a tan or snowboarding down glistening slopes every day. But what you lose in that respect, you’ll gain in others. Not just financially, but in terms of life experience and having a truly fulfilling job. The world is waiting for you!